Special AGM Lecture - Exploring Canada's Wild
May 18, 2023 at the AGM
Adam Shoalts is a professional adventurer, archaeologist, historian and explorer best known for his long solo wilderness journeys, including crossing nearly 4,000 km of Canada's Arctic alone. His expeditions range from mapping rivers to tracking endangered species, to searching for lost explorers and archaeological sites. Shoalts will share with us stories of his expeditions to some of the most remote landscapes on earth and handling the challenges that come with them.
Lecturer - Adam Shoalts
Adam Shoalts is best known for his long solo journeys, including crossing 4,000 km of Canada's Arctic alone. He is the Westaway Explorer-in-Residence at the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and the author of 4 national bestselling books, including Beyond the Trees and A History of Canada in 10 Maps.