Special Lecture - ThePleasure of Puzzles
14 Nov, 2022 - 10:00 am to noon
Zoom re-play 7:00 pm Nov 21
Mechanical puzzles provide beautiful challenges that can involve
assembly or disassembly, geometric arrangement, and logical and spatial
thinking. They often require the solver to think "outside the box" and
find creative solutions to problems that at first seem impossible. They
thereby encapsulate in microcosm what many scientists, mathematicians,
engineers, and other professionals do every day. In a classroom,
puzzles can be wonderful ways to introduce students to the joy of
persevering with a problem and then feeling the "Aha" of satisfaction
that leads them to seek deeper challenges. In this event, sculptor and
mathematician George Hart will share the joy of some of his favorite
puzzles and explain why it is important for more people to be familiar
with them. This will be followed by a hands-on period in which
participants can play with a collection of puzzles he brings [and build
a small puzzle to take home].